Wednesday, August 29, 2012

#4 Politics: The Inevitable Argument

            A conversation about one’s politics is almost always never a conversation at all. Rather, it unfortunately turns quickly into an argument or a heated debate. Rarely are people’s opinions on politics ever the same and, for most people, it is a topic that they feel very strongly about. Therefore, when other people do not share the same views as you do then automatically “they’re in the wrong” or “they don’t know what they are talking about” or “they’re just ignorant”. If it is not how you feel – your morals, your beliefs, your views – then the other person is immediately judged, lectured, and looked down upon from that point forward.
            Personally, for as long as I can remember I have always thought the government was completely corrupt. The combination of that reason and the reasons I shared above are why I have never cared for politics whatsoever. I have my beliefs, but taking the time to apply them to my political standpoint was never something that even crossed my mind. After my English 102 class recently, I have discovered that my personal opinions fall under the Left Libertarian side. Looking further into this political standpoint, I do agree that it best suits me. I believe that gays should have the right to marry and have children. I believe in pro-choice. I believe that corporations who all claim that “the customer comes first” are all full of it. I believe that they, along with the government, are stealing the money that we work so hard for, blowing it to build more corporations to take even more money from us, and that it is just an endless vicious cycle. I do wish all of this could change. However, the Left Libertarian ideas are never able to survive in the government due to being out-numbered by Republicans and Democrats and the people in power who, of course, are the only ones actually benefiting. Because of that reason above all, politics is something that I will continue to not become involved in. Ultimately, if one does not agree with the two popular parties then your voice is not heard or cared about. Regardless, I will always stand by and live out my beliefs - whether they are ever “legal” or not.

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